As with all WooCommerce emails, the below emails can be customised in the normal fashion.
Admin Emails #
Changes to existing emails #
All admin-facing emails that include an order table will also include a complete list of the Order Notes.
New emails #
Petals – New Outbound Order #
This email fires if Petals Network integration is enabled, and a new order is received from Petals. The email’s primary text reads:
You’ve received a new order from Petals – you can accept or reject this order in your website’s dashboard.
Petals – Inbound Order Sent #
This email fires if Petals Network integration is enabled, and a new order is sent to Petals. The email’s primary text reads:
The outcome of sending order {order_number} via Petals is listed below.
Petals – Message (Inbound Order) #
This email fires if Petals Network integration is enabled, and a message is received from Petals regarding an inbound order. The email’s primary text reads:
You’ve received a message from Petals regarding an order you sent – please see below.
Petals – Message (Outbound Order) #
This email fires if Petals Network integration is enabled, and a message is received from Petals regarding an outbound order. The email’s primary text reads:
You’ve received a message from Petals regarding an order you received – please see below.
Petals – Action Outcome #
This email fires if Petals Network integration is enabled, and an action is completed in your dashboard that transmits to Petals, other than those covered by the above emails. The email’s primary text reads:
The outcome of your Petals action is listed below.
Customer-Facing Emails #
Changes to existing emails #
Order completed (Order Delivered) #
With the Completed order status being renamed by BKF to Delivered, the customer-facing email is updated accordingly – the main text reads:
The order #1234 has been marked as delivered.
New emails #
Order Processed #
BKF adds a Processed order status – the email to customer when this status is set has the following primary text:
The order #1234 has been marked as processed.
Order Collected #
BKF adds a Collected order status – the email to customer when this status is set has the following primary text:
The order #1234 has been marked as collected.
Order Scheduled #
BKF adds a Scheduled order status – the email to customer when this status is set has the following primary text:
We have confirmed your order, and have scheduled it for the nominated date.
Order Prepared #
BKF adds a Prepared order status – the email to customer when this status is set has the following primary text:
We have finished preparing your order, and it is ready to go out for delivery.
Order Ready for Collection #
BKF adds a Ready for Collection order status – the email to customer when this status is set has the following primary text:
Your order is ready to be collected.
Order Out for Delivery #
BKF adds an Out for Delivery order status – the email to customer when this status is set has the following primary text:
Your order has been handed to a driver for delivery.