Uses the Get Transaction endpoint.
Before you start #
On the Plugin settings page, make sure you’ve entered your credentials and endpoint – see the Setup page for information.
Collect Data #
You will need to collect/prepare:
- Token
Create a Workflow #
Create a Workflow, and add the “POLi – Get Transaction” action from the “Plugins” tab of the Actions list.
You might like to make this a Backend Workflow, in response to receiving the Nudge.
Each parameter in the action settings matches a parameter in the POLi documentation.
Token #
The token provided by the Nudge
Parse Response #
The response will contain:
CountryName #
The plain text name of the country of the transaction
FinancialInstitutionCountryCode #
The code of the financial institution and country the payment was made from
TransactionID #
The unique transaction ID which is used internally
MerchantEstablishedDateTime #
The date and time in the entity’s timezone that the transaction was established
PayerAccountNumber #
The account number of the user who paid (if available)
PayerAccountSortCode #
The payer’s account sort code where the funds were to be paid.
Australia: This is the BSB number.
New Zealand: This is the Bank and Branch codes respectively.
MerchantAccountSortCode #
The merchant’s account sort code where the funds were to be paid.
Australia: This is the BSB number.
New Zealand: This is the Bank and Branch codes respectively.
MerchantAccountName #
The merchant’s bank account name where the funds were to be paid
MerchantData #
The merchant data that was passed in the InitiateTransaction request for round trip purposes
CurrencyName #
The plain text name of the transaction currency
TransactionStatus #
The terminal status of the transaction.
IsExpired #
The status that indicates if the the POLi link for the transaction has expired
MerchantEntityID #
The unique Merchant Entity ID related to the transaction which is used internally
UserIPAddress #
The IP address that the consumer initiated the transaction
POLiVersionCode #
The vector version which was used to complete the transaction
MerchantName #
The merchant name passed in the InitiateTransaction request
TransactionRefNo #
The POLi ID associated with the transaction
CurrencyCode #
The currency of the transaction
This must match the currency of your merchant account
CountryCode #
The code of the country where the transaction takes place
PaymentAmount #
The Amount of the transaction
AmountPaid #
The actual amount paid for the transaction
EstablishedDateTime #
The date and time of the POLi server when the InitiateTransaction request was received
StartDateTime #
The date and time the transaction was started
EndDateTime #
The date and time the transaction ended
BankReceipt #
The Internet banking receipt number provided from the banks receipt page
BankReceiptDateTime #
The date and time of the bank receipt
TransactionStatusCode #
A code that indicates the terminal status of the transaction
ErrorCode #
An error code associated with the transaction, if any
ErrorMessage #
A description of the error associated with the transaction, if any
FinancialInstitutionCode #
The code of the financial institution the payment was made from
FinancialInstitutionName #
The name of the financial institution the payment was made from
MerchantReference #
The merchant reference passed in the InitiateTransaction request
MerchantAccountSuffix #
The merchant’s account suffix where the funds were to be paid.
This is only applicable to New Zealand merchants
MerchantAccountNumber #
The merchant’s account number where the funds were to be paid
PayerFirstName #
The first name of the user who paid (if available)
PayerFamilyName #
The last name of the user who paid (if available)
PayerAccountSuffix #
The suffix of the user who paid (if available)
This is only applicable to New Zealand merchants
Next Actions #
We recommend adding a step with an “only when” of “ErrorCode is not empty” that deals with the error, most commonly parsing the “ErrorMessage”. Otherwise, passing the variables you need to a Thing and/or further Action would be the logical next step.